Call for Participation: LEAP 2.0 Survey
LEAP (Leadership, Excellence, Aspiration, and Platform) ( is a career development forum launched in early 2013 by the Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California (CESASC) and Southwestern Chinese Students and Scholars Association (SWCSSA). It is committed to provide a trustworthy and sustained platform for career development and growth of Chinese Americans throughout their professional lives.
Following the success of the inaugural LEAP Career Forum in February 2013, the second LEAP Career Forum (LEAP 2.0) is planned to take place in November 2013, co-organized by CESASC, SWCSSA, and Sino-American Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Professional Associations (SABPA). To help develop a most effective and beneficial program, we invite you to take a short and anonymous on-line survey by August 9th 2013 at Your opinions are important. We appreciate your time and inputs. If you have any further questions, please contact us at
LEAP 2.0 Organization Committee