2015年南加州中華科工學會中學生STEM徵文大賽-- Deadline: 3/27/2015
2015年南加州中華科工學會中學生STEM徵文大賽 "可以改善人類生活面貌的未來科技"
簡介 南加州中華科工學會邀請6 至12 年級中學生參與2015 年"可以改善人類生活面貌的未來科技"徵文比賽。這項比賽分為兩個組別,第一組是 6 至8 年級的學生, 第二組則是 9 至12 年級的學生。這項比賽的用意是讓孩子們在科學,技術,工程,數學(STEM)等領域開發自己的潛力與興趣,同時也提高了年輕學子, 在對未來科技觀察的寫作和表達能力。學生可以自由選擇任何可能影響人類生活(如每天需要哮喘/糖尿病藥物的朊友或親戚)的科技項目(如健康的對話性工具或環境便利車輛).
ㄧ. 參賽資格
二. 參賽方式
參賽者必須以MS words或Adobe pdf檔, 經由CESASC.stem@gmail.com提交相關資料, 另外, 掃描一份簽名的正式報名表, ㄧ起提報. 請將2015 STEM Contest做為電子檔案主題, 正式報名表可点此下載。
三. 參賽規則 每個參賽作品必須符合以下條件:
1。參賽作品必須是參賽學生的原始, 並且是未曾發表過的作品。
(1) 該科技項目的名稱 (2) 一個400-500 字的文章,說明該項目將如何有效運作, 並如何改善人類生活。 (3) 繪出完整的項目技術示意圖。為清楚起見,請做出相關標示。
5. ㄧ旦參賽作品提報並被接受後, 不得更換新的參賽內容.
6. 報名表和論文須一起完整提報.
7. 所有參賽作品必須在報名截止日前被收到.
8. 所有報名參賽者, 在提報參賽的同時, 等於允許主辦單位CESASC官網有權無償使用參賽者的姓名與照片.
四. 獎品 所有參賽作品將由ㄧ群科學家, 工程師, 和教育家組成的評審團, 基於下列條件做出評判:
(1)獨創性(2)論文的原創性和突破性;(3)創意的呈現流暢度;(4 )寫作能力和內容;(5)技術的創新性;(6)與改善人類生活面貌的未來科技主題的相關度。
•第1 名 - $ 500 及獎杯一座
•第2 名 - $ 250 元及獎杯一座
•第3 名 - $ 100 及獎杯一座
主辦單位將依照參賽者所提供的連絡資料, 以email或電話通知, 獲勝者的姓名將會被公佈於CESASC官網以及相關社群網站, 獲勝者與家人將被邀請出席並領獎, 5月2日, 2015年的CESASC53屆年會與科學發表會中.
2014年10月25號 - 比賽開始
2015 年3 月27 日 - 提交截止日期
2015年4 月17 日 - 獲獎通知和公告
2015年5月2日- 得獎作品演示和公共頒獎典禮
欲了解更多信息,請聯繫蘇耀民先生or沈采蘋(cesasc.stem@gmail.com)。 www.cesasc.org
2015 CESASC Student STEM Essay Contest "Future Technology That Can Improve Human Life"
1. Description The Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California (CESASC) invites 6th to 12th grade students to participate in the 2015 "Future Technology That Can Improve Human Life" essay competition. The competition is divided into two groups; Group one is for 6th to 8th grade students and Group two covers from 9th to 12th grade students. This contest is intended for kids to develop their interests in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and to bring together writing and expression skills from the mind of the youngster in view of a future technology. A student may choose any technology (such as health dialogistic instruments or environmentally friendly vehicles) that impact human life (such as friends or relatives who need asthma/diabetic medication on a daily basis).
2. Who Can Enter The contest is open to all 6th to 12th grade students who are currently registered in a U.S. school.
3. How to Enter Entry must be submitted electronically in MS Words or Adobe pdf format to CESASC.stem@gmail.com. A scanned copy of the signed Official Entry Form must accompany all electronic submissions. Please put "2015 STEM Contest" in the subject line. The Official Entry Form is available online here.
5. Winner Selection and Prizes All eligible entries will be judged by a panel of scientists, engineers, and educators, based on the following criteria:
(1) originality of idea; (2) originality and creative quality of essay; (3) clarity of the presentation; (4) writing ability and content; (5) significance of technology; and (6) relevance to the topic "Future Technology That Can Improve Human Life."; (7) Presentation skill
Each group awards include the following prizes:
• 1st place - $500 and a trophy
• 2nd place - $250 and a trophy
• 3rd place - $100 and a trophy
Each qualify winners is to prepare a short notified by email and/or telephone using the contact information provided in the Official Entry Form at the time of entry. Winners’ names will be announced publically through update to the CESASC website and social media accounts. Winners and their families will be invited to present their winning entries and receive the prizes at the CESASC 53rd Annual Convention and Technical Symposium on May 2, 2015 .